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Manufacturing ADvanced Electronics through

PrintingUsing Bio-based and Locally Identifiable Compounds


NSF Future Manufacturing Program

Our Vision

Our Vision

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Let's print !

The vision of MADE-PUBLIC is a future intelligent, scalable, and democratized manufacturing paradigmto enable distributed manufacturing of low-cost printable electronic devices using locally identifiable resources such as bio-based materials derived from plants.

  • Eco manufacturing (less carbon footprint): plants to electronics

  • Cyber manufacturing: AI/ML and data enabled

  • Bio-based, biodegradable, recyclable electronics

  • Potentially complicated, integrated/multiplexed electronics

  • Distributed, democratized electronics manufacturing

  • Integrated education and workforce development plan


Junhong Chen.JPG

Junhong Chen

University of Chicago

Professor, Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering

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Stuart Rowan

University of Chicago

Professor, Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering


Jennifer Dunn

Northwestern University

Research Associate Professor, Northwestern Argonne Institute of Science and Engineering

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Elizabeth Ainsworth

University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

USDA ARS Global Change and Photosynthesis Research Unit

Wei Chen (Chen W).jpg

Wei Chen

Northwestern University

Professor, Mechanical Engineering

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DoKyoung Lee

University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

Professor, Crop Sciences

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Santanu Chaudhuri

Argonne National Laboratory

Director, Manufacturing Science and Engineering

Yuxin Chen (Chen Y).jpg

Yuxin Chen

University of Chicago

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science

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Rebecca Willett

University of Chicago

Professor, Statistics and Computer Science

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Mark Hersam

Northwestern University

Professor, Materials Science and Engineering

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Jonathan Claussen

Iowa State University

Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering

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Zhiyong Cai

USDA Forest Service

Supervisory Materials Research Engineer



Research Expertise


Junhong Chen (Chen J)

Printing, field-effect transistor (FET) sensors, LIBs

PI: T1, T2, T3

Elizabeth Ainsworth

Plant growth and molecular plant biochemistry

Co-PI: T1T3

Santanu Chaudhuri

integrated computational materials and mesoscale models

Co-PI: T3, CT4

Mark Hersam

Functional nanomaterial exfoliation and ink formulation

Co-PI: T2, T3

Stuart Rowan

Cellulose/lignin extraction from plant-based feedstocks

Co-PI: T1, T2

Wei Chen (Chen W)

Design and manufacturing

SP: T2, T3, CT4

Yuxin Chen (Chen Y)

Ml for metrology-driven modification to mesoscale DoE

SP: T1, T3, CT4

Jonathan Claussen

Electrochemical sensors and printing

SP: T1, T2, T3

Jennifer Dunn

TEA, LCA, material flow analysis (MFA), policy


Dokyoung Lee

Hydroponic palnt growth and bioenergy grasses, crop science

SP: T1, T3

Rebecca Willett

Data analytics and ML

SP: T3, CT4

Zhiyong Cai

Conversion of plant-derived lignin to graphene

Collaborator, T1, T2

Expected Outcomes 

  • Precision growth recipes for plants/grasses with desired cellulose to lignin composition.

  • Methods for efficient extraction and conversion of cellulose and lignin for ink materials and additives.

  • A scalable manufacturing process to produce bio-based and nanomaterials-based inks.

  • A future manufacturing platform to print sensors, LIBs, and other electronic devices.

  • Life-cycle (LCA) and techno-economic analysis (TEA) tools and data to guide design and implementation of a cost-effective and environmentally responsible printing platform.

  • An open source, public manufacturing data infrastructure (BEMDI) empowered by AI/ML algorithms to democratizeon-demand printing of customizable, biodegradable/recyclable electronic devices.

  • An array of inclusiveeducation and workforce development (EWD) programs that will educate, train, engage, and excite all-age audiences.


Translation through

Strategic Collaborations

  • MADE-PUBLIC centers around Chicago regional strengths in agriculture, materials and manufacturing, and AI/ML.

  • Our goal is to facilitate translation of MADE-PUBLIC outcomes by establishing a vibrant cyber manufacturing innovation ecosystem,assisted by critical stakeholders that span the entire value chain of agriculture–electronics.

  • These stakeholders include Domtar (paper, pulp processing); USDA Forest Products Laboratory (FPL, lignin-derived graphene); Ernst Seeds (seeds); NanoIntegris (nanomaterials ink); MilliporeSigma (printable ink); IDS (printer); Corteva (data); Molex (electronics); NanoAffix (nanosensor); Argonne’s Manufacturing Engineering Research Facility (MERF, scale-up manufacturing) and DLHub (data infrastructure); NIST (materials genome); NUCESR (sustainability); NIMSI (manufacturing); Manufacturing USA Institute MxD (digital manufacturing); mHUB (manufacturing incubator); DPI (skilled workforce development); and the general public (general users).

  • Data produced from the project will be deposited into existing materials data platforms: MDF; LCA data platform; NanoHUB; nanoMFG; and Argonne’s manufacturing data platform, MDML, which is supported by ML tools, DLHub, and MDF connections.

  • Stakeholders will work with the project team to ensure the alignment of project results toward translation.

  • Research and EWD are synchronized to educate, train, engage, and excite diverse, all-age audiences.

MADE-PUBLIC to participate in the NSF Convergence Accelerator Expo on July 28-29, 2021



© 2020 by MADE-PUBLIC

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